Our TV Commercials


{videobox? &display=’gallery’ }
I-vO3opj9wA|You’re Up Too|,
f7oUjhjLqdo|You’re Still Up|,
fC2jhUyEpnE|You’re Still Up 2|,
wuc2TXIsXW4|Can’t Sleep Again|,
AaWNu4UvXA8|Qualifying for Bankruptcy|,
ooF2Cyzqb9s|Bankruptcy A Second Chance|,
OqXTh2at0BQ|Bankruptcy Stigma|,
WfCoonKH0xA|The Difference|,
VMYkD8NUhTc|Three Steps of Bankruptcy|,

rfQc3izYazQ|Out of Control|,
Vxk5ZmMP0sw|Turn to Dust|,
4MdAv9HmUYk|Turn to Dust #2|,
Q6nfOEG5xtU|Turn to Dust #3|,
6-jdMVQLcNg|Turn to Dust #4|,
f3dHBep0QKs|You Deserve Respect|,
MBHVaQsyPDk|Meaning of Money|,
e2tX9VSB3Kg|Saftey Net|,
0KPMQAhURsc|Fix Your Money Problems|,
eOMCmPnSb1s|Get Back on Track|,
INfqPd7xqQs|Stop Creditors|