How Bankruptcy is Better Than Debt Consolidation in Chattanooga


Managing overwhelming debt is a daunting challenge faced by many individuals and families. When financial pressures become unmanageable, people often consider debt relief options such as debt consolidation or filing for bankruptcy. From an attorney’s perspective in Chattanooga, TN, bankruptcy can offer more comprehensive and long-lasting relief compared to debt consolidation. This article explores why Full Article +

How Bankruptcy is Better Than Debt Consolidation in Chattanooga2024-06-25T12:30:45+00:00



Thank you for representing me in my Chapter 7 Bankruptcy case. However, taking the step to acknowledge that I was over my head in debt was a life lesson that has been difficult. Your staff was very helpful!! I don't need my hand held in life, but I have to say, sometimes it is comforting Full Article +




I was involved in a car accident and owed significant amount of money because of it. I was stressed out for two years to the point where it was effecting my health. Eron Epstein was able to dissolve my worries and my dept in less that couple hours. Now, I am able get back to Full Article +




Mr Epstein was Great!!! He made the entire experience very easy. While bankruptcy can be a very stressful and time-consuming process, Mr Epstein made the entire experience simple. His professionalism and expertise ensured that not only would I no longer be harassed, but could re-establish my credit by learning to manage my finances through programs Full Article +




All around wonderful treatment from staff. I was treated with the upmost respect. It is obvious they are in this for the client. Very quick response time. I had no trouble getting in touch with them or waiting on them to contact me. A truly trustworthy team!




I was involved with a debt relief program, much to my dismay it was awful. I phoned for a consultation and was rewarded with an appointment for a consultation the next day,which I gladly kept. After explaining my options very understandably I hired him. We discussed my situation and decided on a Chap. 13. He Full Article +

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